Damien Moore MP writes to churches across Southport ahead of Easter.

Today, Damien Moore MP has written to churches across Southport ahead of Easter, to share a sense of goodwill and reflection with the town’s local Christian community.

In his letter, Mr. Moore spoke of the important sense of renewal that Easter gives to us all, as we follow the journey of Jesus towards the cross and beyond, and are encouraged to understand the joys and sorrows of our lives.

Mr. Moore encouraged Catholic and Protestant congregations to reflect on the words of Pope Francis and Archbishop Stephen respectively, and find in their comments a truth that can help us all guide our lives through the Easter period.

Mr. Moore also encouraged Christians across Southport to make a special effort to hold the people of Ukraine in their prayers, a people whose country has experienced such horrors, and who rightly deserve our prayers for these dark days to soon be behind them.