18 year old girl missing from home

 Help find missing 18-year-old Abbie Owens

Abbie was last seen on Alpha Street in Bootle on yesterday evening (Monday 6 December) at around 7.40pm and extensive enquiries are ongoing to find her.

She is white, 5ft 10in tall, of medium build, with long blonde hair and brown eyes. 

When last seen, Abbie was wearing black baggy jogging bottoms with a long sleeved white crop top and a black bomber jacket with blue and white Jordan's trainers. She was also holding a grey bag with silver studs.

If you see her, please contact us via our form https://www.merseyside.police.uk/ro/report/mp/v2/report-sighting-of-missing-person-form/

You can also pass information on via @MerPolCC on Twitter, 'Merseyside Police Contact Centre' on Facebook, 101, or Missing People on 116 000.