343 arrested in Lancashire for Drug and Drink drive with one blowing 170


A total of 343 people were found to have been driving while impaired as part of a campaign run between November 21st and January 1st, with targeted stops and checkpoints across the county.

Out of more than 3,000 vehicles stopped:
- 128 people were found to be over the limit for alcohol
- 105 were found to be under the influence of drugs
- 21 people refused to give a sample for testing
- And the remainder were either under the influence of both alcohol and drugs, or were considered to be unfit through drink or drugs, meaning they had attempted to drive while under the influence.

The legal limit for alcohol is 35 micrograms of alcohol in 100mls of breath, yet the people we stopped included:

  • A Range Rover driver travelling through Lancashire two days before Christmas. He blew 170 at the roadside. He takes the very dubious accolade of giving the highest reading at the roadside throughout the campaign period.

  • - A woman stopped after one of her tyres blew out in the west of the county. She was breathalysed at the roadside and blew 81. Officers quickly realised she had left her children at home alone, so she was also arrested on suspicion of child neglect.

  • - A BMW driver stopped just 11 minutes into Christmas Day on Golden Way, Preston. He blew 88 at the roadside and 88 in custody.

  • - A driver stopped on Garstang Road, Preston, and found to be under the influence of drugs. He initially lied about his name, until his fingerprints gave the game away… He was also arrested for possession of offensive weapons after several knives were found in the vehicle.

  • - A vehicle stopped for the second time and a different driver found behind the wheel. Unfortunately he was ALSO found to have been drug-driving and was arrested at the scene.

  • - A van driver who abandoned his vehicle and ran off after spotting police on New Hall Lane, Preston. He was detained and subsequently tested positive for cocaine. He was also found to be disqualified from driving and in possession of class A drugs.

  • The driver of an Audi who failed to stop for officers in Blackpool. He eventually pulled over and was breathalysed, giving a reading of 91 at the roadside and 97 once in custody.

We also issued 963 Traffic Offence Reports and summonsed 406 people to court after they were found breaking the law in other ways – such as driving without insurance, driving without an MOT or using a mobile phone while driving.

Insp Rob Conolly-Perch, of the Lancashire Roads Policing Unit, said: “Drink and drug-driving is – to put it bluntly – stupid, reckless and selfish. It costs lives, puts people in danger of serious, life-long injuries and causes untold trauma for the families and friends of both victims and offenders.

“The figures from the last six weeks are shocking and we hope they show that here in Lancashire we take drink and drug-driving extremely seriously and over the Christmas period made it one of our priorities.

“In the last decade a third of all collisions involving a drink or drug-driver have resulted in someone being killed or seriously injured, so we refuse to be complacent when it comes to rooting out those who choose to drive while under the influence.

“What we’d like to stress now is that this is part and parcel of our daily business and just because the Christmas period is at an end doesn’t mean we will be stepping back on this kind of activity. If you choose to drink or drug-drive, we will catch up with you. Op Virage to target such drivers is reviewed constantly and is part of our daily business across the county.”

Andrew Snowden, Lancashire's Police and Crime Commissioner, said: “These arrests over Christmas for drug and drunk driving show why we not only have to increase the amount of officers policing the roads at Christmas, but also why we need to do ever more all year round to stop these dangerous and reckless drivers.
“The life changing impacts of drink or drug driving can destroy families and lives, it is never acceptable to get behind the wheel under the influence.

“I’d like to thank all the police officers and staff who worked over Christmas and the New Year. Many of them working overtime and shifts that restricted time with family and loved ones - and all to keep our county safe. Their efforts are deeply appreciated.”

If you know anyone that does drink or drug drive, then please pass us the information and we will act on it. You may save a life or prevent someone being seriously injured. Use 101 or contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or at crimestoppers-uk.org.