A snapshot survey has shown that, officially, there are no rough sleepers in Sefton.

rough sleeper

Once again, a snapshot survey has shown that, officially, there are no rough sleepers in Sefton.

In line with the Government’s required process, Sefton Council carries out a single-night count of rough sleepers in the Borough each year, between October 1st and November 30th. The number of people found sleeping on the streets on that one night is used by the Government as Sefton’s official annual figure.

However, with the current national cost of living crisis taking hold, the Council is aware that a single-night survey may not tell the whole story.

Cllr Trish Hardy, Sefton’s Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing, said:
“This zero figure for a second year running is a testament to the hard work of the work our own Housing teams and our partner organisations do to help people facing homelessness and rough sleeping.

“But at a time when rents, mortgage rates, heating and lighting costs and prices in the shops are rising, we are concerned that this winter there may well be people who find themselves needing support through no fault of their own.”

Cllr Hardy urged anyone with nowhere to stay or who feels unsafe about returning to their home, or who is facing homelessness to contact the Housing Options Team by emailing [email protected] calling them on 0151 934 3541 or visiting www.sefton.gov.uk/homeless. The team will assess their case and provide housing options.

People can also find out about local organisations providing support by visiting www.seftondirectory.com and searching ‘homeless’.

Cllr Hardy added:

“Through our recently commissioned Integrated Homeless Service and our Housing Options team, the Council is committed to helping people facing homelessness and supporting vulnerable people who may find themselves sleeping rough.

“I would urge any members of the public who suspect people are having to sleep rough in Sefton, by calling the Rough Sleeper Outreach Team via Light for Life on 01704 501256 or 07918 746042 outside normal office hours and weekends.’’

People can also email the Light for Life team at [email protected].

Veterans in Sefton is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation that helps veterans who are homeless or living in unsuitable housing. Based at The Brunswick Youth and Community Centre in Bootle, Veterans in Sefton can be contacted on 0151 933 0800 or 07591 825204 out-of-hours.