A year in the fast lane for Lancashire Police's Road Crime Team

cop car

A year ago, Lancashire Police launched the Road Crime Team aimed at disrupting criminals who use the county’s road network in their offending. 
 It significantly boosted the force’s capability to tackle offences such as drug-couriering, burglary, money laundering and human trafficking.
Significant numbers of arrests have been made by the RCT right across Lancashire, with large seizures of drugs, cash and stolen vehicles made.

Since the launch in June 2023, the RCT has:

*…Arrested 570 people.

*…Seized £5.3m worth of drugs.

*…Recovered 203 stolen vehicles.

*…Seized £2.1m cash from criminals.

The work of the RCT has led to 36 people being sent to prison for a total of 80 years, while 16 more people are currently on remand awaiting trial.

The charges those on remand are charged with, include murder, possession of drugs with intent to supply, dangerous driving, money laundering, robbery, and firearms offences.

Significant sentences imposed by the courts after investigations by the RCT include two men being jailed for nine years and 10 months and eight years and eight months, for possession of cocaine with intent to supply in Lancaster.

A man was sentenced to five years and seven months after being arrested in Leyland with a large quality of cocaine.

In February, a car was stopped on the M55 travelling towards Blackpool, with almost £500,000 worth of cocaine found in the boot. The driver was jailed for 56 months.

A seizure of £3m worth of cannabis from a car on the M6 at Forton, led to the driver being sent to prison for two years.

Sgt Chris Breckell of the Road Crime Team, said: “Lancashire Police are dedicated to reducing crime and bringing criminals to justice.
“Over the last 12 months the road crime team has targeted criminals and crime gangs who use the roads of our county to facilitate their illegal activity. 

“We will continue to do this and send out a message that serious criminal activity will not be tolerated in Lancashire.
“The road crime team works closely with colleagues in division, the Response Investigation Team and CID, to trace criminals and investigate the crimes they commit.
“We will not stand for them committing serious crime and causing misery and upset to our communities.”