Afternoon update from the Police

cop dog

Good afternoon from Southport Police Station.

Here is the continuation of work from the North Sefton Neighbourhood Team, based at Southport Police Station from yesterday, Tuesday 24th January.

In addition to the activity in our post from earlier today, Neighbourhood Officers visited the New Start supported Housing project in Leyland Road. This is one of several partnership agencies in the town that we engage with to support people with complex needs who are in need of housing. Light For Life is another agency we work closely with. Light For Life are based at The Hub, 68 Eastbank Street, where they offer housing advice, support in finding accommodation, rough sleeper services, health and wellbeing services, food bank vouchers and give access to legal advice. We also work with the Trussell Trust foodbanks, Compassion Acts who operate the hub in Cambridge Walks and several other agencies which are likely to come up in other posts over this week.

PCSO’s conducted victim support visits. Victim support is a key part of the PCSO role and something of a regular activity. While on foot patrol back towards Southport Police Station a car with no insurance was identified. Arrangements will be put in place for that vehicle to be stopped and the insurance to be verified.
Our Wildlife and Rural Crime Officer was working in Ince Blundell in partnership with the National Trust to address some issues raised in the area. Two men were reported for failing to have an Environment Fishing Licence.

PCSO’s registered some bikes onto the Bike Register database, while at the Everlast gym on Tulketh Street. Watch for Bike Registration events in Southport and Formby area being advertised separately. We have just had a new delivery of tags, so we will be running more events in the near future.

One of our Community Volunteers was assisted by one of our PCSO's in using the speed detection device on Sandon Road, following concerns about speeding traffic in the area. No tickets are issued by Community Speedwatch operations. Instead, warning letters are sent out and recorded in case of repeat offenders.

We are awaiting confirmation of the sentencing of a Southport man for a string of theft and burglary offences, which we will post as soon as it is confirmed.

Yesterday we had more officers on town centre foot patrol and dealing with incidents of thefts from shops. We were able to identify some offenders and banning orders were issued to reduce further offending. Banning Orders are a first step in a process to reduce repeat offenders. Criminal Behaviour Orders (CBO’s) carry a power of arrest if the offender breaches the conditions.

Officers assisted in the search for a missing 14 year old and visited the Tesco store at Kew regarding some issues of anti-social behaviour involving a group of youths recently.

In the town centre, Southport Neighbourhood Officers responded to a report of anti-social behaviour at a block of flats. Eight youths aged between 15 and 17 were removed from the premises. Four were stopped and searched and one was arrested after being found secreting a small bag of white powder. This boy was taken to his home address where his identity was verified. He was then de-arrested and will be interviewed at a future date over the bag of white powder. This process relieves pressure on custody suites and keeps them free for higher level offenders. We will continue to patrol this block and other ASB hotpsot areas in and around town.

One of our PCSO’s attended a partnership meeting with the Southport Business Improvement District (Southport BID), where the discussion included a review of our Operation: Shepherd, Christmas high visibility initiative in the town centre and how that helped reduce crime compared to other years; Planning for future events that are expected to bring more people into the town, such as high profile gold events, the Eurovision Song Contest in Liverpool, which has seen hotels and guesthouses booked up months in advance;

 A representative from the banks spoke about the work that they are doing to help reduce fraud. This is something we at the Neighbourhood Team are hoping to capitalise on with the banks, in order to reduce the risk of becoming a victim of fraud. An emerging issue of anti-social behaviour around Ocean Plaza and the seafront area was raised.

In relation to the seafront ASB, three teenaged boys were visited at school yesterday and given warnings by our Schools Police Officers about their behaviour following mobile phone footage of a number of incidents being distributed on social media. Their behaviour will be monitored now for their involvement in any similar incidents.

Tune in tomorrow for the update from Wednesday and don’t forget to come and speak to us if you see us out and about.