An amazing night of live music at its very best in the heart of Southport

It was hot, sweaty, clammy and loud...very loud - but I wouldn't have missed it for the world, writes Martin Hovden.

The second heat of the Southport Battle of the Bands 2022 held in the Banff on Friday night set yet another high bar for other musicians to overcome in future rounds.

The West Street bar in the town centre was absolutely buzzing as four bands delivered brilliant displays of amazing musicianship, together with endless enthusiasm, energy and fun.

Two bands go through to the semi-finals: As guest judge, I gave my vote to new Southport ska band Sour Note, while the audience, quite righty in my view, went for Burscough pop punk band Some Time Today.

A huge thank-you to organisers Dave Aston (compere), Martin White and Hayden Birch, who staged another amazing night of excellent live music.