Another 60 Drink and Drug drivers arrested by Lancashire Police


Santa’s ‘nice list’ is looking a little bit shorter now another 60 people have been caught drink or drug-driving.

We’re now halfway through our Christmas impaired driving campaign and in the last week have caught another 60 people driving under the influence of either alcohol or drugs. This takes the total people caught since the campaign began to 167.

Out of the 60 people arrested in the last week, six were people where there was intelligence to suggest they were regularly driving under the influence.

The total number includes:

🚨 A man in Fleetwood who was arrested after colliding with four parked cars while over the limit for alcohol.

🚨 A man who was reported to us as having left a hotel in Blackpool, drunk, intending to drive to Birmingham. He was arrested after refusing to give a sample of breath for testing. He was also found to be driving without a licence.

🚨 A man arrested in Preston after failing to stop at the scene of a collision nearby. He was breathalysed and gave a reading of 105 at the roadside and 110 in custody. The legal limit is 35.

🚨 The driver of the vehicle pictured, who was involved in a collision. He failed a roadside drug wipe for cannabis and was arrested.

🚨 And a driver who no doubt thought he was driving brilliantly, but was actually weaving between lanes on the M6 close to Forton while driving at just 40mph. He initially failed to stop, but eventually pulled over and was found to have been driving under the influence of alcohol. His car was also seized for being uninsured.

Drivers risk up to six months’ imprisonment, an unlimited fine and a substantial driving ban if they are caught driving while above the legal limit. Anyone who causes a death while drink or drug driving faces up to 14 years’ imprisonment.

#AllWeWantForChristmas is for nobody to drink or drug-drive.

If you suspect somebody is drink or drug-driving please tell us on 101 or contact us online at Alternatively you can tell Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or at

#KeepingOurChristmasSafe #DontDrinkOrDrugDrive #LancashirePolice