Application deadline reminder to Borough's landlords of new licensing scheme changes


Just nine weeks are left for landlords in Sefton to apply for a licence, after Sefton Council’s recent extension to their Selective and Additional (HMO) Licensing schemes for private rented homes.

After extensive consultation, the extension to the Selective and Additional (HMO) Licensing schemes came into effect on 1st March this year. They last until the end of March 2028.

The schemes require landlords affected to submit their applications for a licence by Thursday 31st August. So far 600 applications have been received.

Landlords can find out if their property needs a licence and can make their application by visiting

At the time their extension was being discussed, it was reported that Sefton Council had used Selective and Additional (HMO) Licensing schemes to secure improvements for people living in privately rented properties across the Brough.

Over 3,000 serious health and safety hazards, including problems with fire safety, electrical hazards, damp & mould and excess cold, had been removed from properties since licenses were introduced in 2018.

Cllr Trish Hardy Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing said: “Around 3,900 private rented properties across the Borough are registered through our Selective and Additional (HMO) Licensing schemes, which have enabled us the Council to step in and deal with poor management and the thousands of hazards being faced by tenants.

“Landlords of these and those of any other privately rented properties in the three licensing areas across the Borough need to submit a licence application with us by the end of August. Landlords can find out more information on our licensing schemes by visiting

“Although the Licensing schemes remain in place, we are usually able to work with landlords to resolve situations informally, but they do give us additional formal enforcement action powers and we will use them if we have to.”