As a Southport resident have you been scammed since Lockdown?

A survey released by the Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI) revealed that 5% (over 2.6 million)* of UK adults online were scammed since the first COVID-19 lockdown in March 2020.
The online Consumer Confidence Survey in the lead up to its annual event, CTSI Symposium, also showed that the majority (51%) of the public thinks consumer scam protection is underfunded. The survey paints a stark picture of consumer vulnerability throughout the UK, with 2% (over 1 million)** of respondents reporting losing more than £500 to a scam since March 2020.
The survey, undertaken by polling company YouGov, asked the public about their consumer confidence before and after the pandemic, along with their exposure to scams and losses incurred. Experts will discuss the survey findings at the CTSI Symposium to be held in Birmingham from 28-30 September.
In a clear warning to the UK Government, 51% of those surveyed stated that they believe public services that protect consumers from scams are underfunded. In comparison, just 9% thought existing funding was adequate. The survey also found that 56% of consumers do not believe current consumer protection laws are fit to stop negative experiences for consumers.
Concerns about inadequate funding chime with the alarm bells that rang this month as Worcestershire Trading Standards announced that it would no longer intervene in mis-sold item disputes due to budgetary constraints. The service would focus on work that it had a legal duty to undertake.
The sheer extent of consumer vulnerability is brought to bear with the survey revealing that 83% of the public online report receiving a scam communication since March 2020, yet only 9% said they reported a business, product, or scam to enforcement agencies.
The figures arrive on the back of Action Fraud's 2020-21 report, which announced that £2.35 billion was lost to fraud in this period.
CTSI Chief Executive, John Herriman, said: "This survey provides a sobering message for the system protecting consumers. The majority of the public does not believe that existing measures are suitable for their protection, while a clear majority believes scams protection is underfunded. It is also alarming that only 9% of people reported a product, business, or scam when 83% said they received a scam message, indicating an evident lack of engagement between the public and scam protection agencies.
"Trading Standards Officers and other consumer protection professionals are working extremely hard under very challenging conditions to protect the public at a time of unprecedented challenges. It's incredibly frustrating for them to know consumers are at risk but too often to be able to do anything about it due to resource constraints and competing priorities. I will be bringing their voices to the forefront at the CTSI Symposium later this month to ensure we can have an honest conversation about where the gaps in consumer protection are, which will help shape the UK Government's perspective on this important issue.
"The challenge we see is supported by evidence such as that from Worcestershire this month, which highlighted severe gaps developing in consumer protection because of deep cuts to resources at a time of unprecedented consumer vulnerability. We are seeing similar challenges elsewhere and must remember that beyond the facts and figures are the very human stories of lives being ruined by unscrupulous criminals who often have too much freedom to do harm. The public needs more protection now than ever as a result of the long term economic and social consequences of COVID-19, and we feel obligated to raise the profile of the level of risk consumers are exposed to so that we can ensure the right level of protection is in place."
Notes to Editors:
All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 2,196 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 17th - 18th August 2021. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all GB adults (aged 18+).
* ** Figures based on ONS projected UK adult population of 52,403,344
Chartered Trading Standards Institute (CTSI)
CTSI is a training and membership organisation that has represented the interests of the Trading Standards profession since 1881 nationally and internationally. We aim to raise the profile of the profession while working towards fairer, better informed and safer consumer and business communities. CTSI's members are engaged in delivering frontline trading standards services in local authorities and in businesses.