Assistive technology roadshow comes to triumphant close


As its first round of roadshows draws to a close, Sefton Council’s Technology Enabled Care Solutions is celebrating its success.

Over 500 Sefton residents have been able to meet the team at events in Bootle, Southport, Crosby, Ainsdale and Maghull.

Each roadshow showcased a range of assistive technology that residents can use to remain independent at home. They also provided information on how to access the equipment.

Now, Sefton Council is asking residents to complete a short survey to help them to improve the service in the future.

The survey is available on Your Sefton, Your Say and is open to everyone, from people who already use assistive technology to those who have not heard of it before. By asking people about their level of knowledge around the technology available and barriers that may prevent people from accessing the equipment, the team hopes to find new ways to support residents.

Technology Enabled Care Solutions is the name given to devices and services people can use to support themselves to live independently. These can range from Alexa apps that turn off lights without having to stretch for the switch, to sensors that detect if someone has fallen in their home.

With the current cost of living crisis, technology to help people save on their energy bills is also available. This includes smart meters that help to keep track of the energy used in homes and smart plugs, which can be controlled remotely or linked to a timer.

To help residents find solutions to help them at home, Sefton Council developed the online self-assessment and guidance tool Ask SARA in February. Ask SARA suggests a range of products and services to suit people’s needs and how to access them. People who are interested are also able to get in touch with the Technology Enabled Care Solutions team directly for further advice.

Councillor Paul Cummins, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care said:

“It’s wonderful to hear how well the Technology Enabled Care Solutions roadshows have gone so far. It has been a fantastic opportunity to showcase the technology available to enable our residents with additional needs to live independently.

“It is important that people in Sefton can make informed choices about their own health and wellbeing, and technology allows people to do so, while remaining independent.

“We’re always looking for ways to improve our services and provide the best support we can in Sefton and collecting the views of residents will help us to achieve that.”

To find out more, visit the Technology Enabled Care webpage at

The survey can be found at is an Easy Read format, and a hard copy can be provided if required.