Be a part of the action: Volunteer your time at Southport FC

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Fancy a bit of volunteering, then your club needs you!

As you may know, ‘Our’ club relies heavily on its team of volunteers, who play an integral part in helping the club to operate on a day-to-day basis.

We are always looking for additional volunteers to support with various tasks around the ground, either on match-days or during the week. Just because it’s closed season, doesn’t mean the work stops!

Our Weekday Volunteers undertake essential ground maintenance work all year round, but through the closed season there is always so much to do in preparation for the new season.

Endless painting jobs, dealing with a never-ending supply of weeds and repairing broken terracing are some of the jobs that have been keeping our weekday volunteers very busy, and there is so much more work to be done!

Opportunities Available

Weekday Volunteers are at the ground on Monday and Wednesday mornings between 8.00 and 12.30, so if you have any time to spare you will be made very welcome!

We are also looking for Match-day Volunteers to sell 50/50 draw tickets, as well as additional Turnstile Operators.

We’d also be delighted to talk to anyone with a ‘creative’ mind can help with the design of images/logos etc to be used on merchandise.

Benefits of Volunteering 

The main benefit of volunteering is that you are supporting your club, as any tasks that you undertake would otherwise have had to be paid for.

Depending on what your role is and how long you have undertaken it, you may be eligible for free access to the home games (should you request that); additionally, you would be entitled to discount on shop purchases.

If you are interested and would like to learn more about volunteering at the club, please email Christine Classon at [email protected].