Birkdale Beach in Southport is an absolute disgrace

The entrance to the beach at Birkdale is an absolute disgrace. To reach the beach people have to wade through thick mud and foul-smelling brackish pools of stagnant water. Rusty metal fences litter the area and have been engulfed by the vegetation.
Close to the entrance, the Council has dumped the wind-blown sand that has recently been cleared from the sea wall no doubt containing all sorts of plastic and rubbish.
A stench of dog urine fills the air as you walk onto the Velvet Trail footpath.
The Trail as described by the Council below.
The trail is a circular route following the Green Beach from Weld Road southwards, then winding through the dunes back to Weld Road. The trail takes its name from the carpets of lush vegetation seen there in the early summer months. It was well known at the turn of the century, when it proved to be one of the coasts main attractions.
The dune trail is a circular walk through the reserve and passes through examples of the diverse habitats on site.
This is the beach where the three-time winner of the worlds greatest horse race The Grand National Red Rum was trained by Ginger McCain.
Years ago thousands of people would flock to the beach at Birkdale to have a picnic and enjoy the wide open spaces.Not anymore.
Sadly the area is little more than a cesspit now.