Bolt Cutter Bandits Strike Again in Southport – Bike Thefts on the Rise


Police are investigating a spate of bike thefts in Southport, mostly around the town centre.
Two bikes were left unattended and unlocked. Others were locked with poor quality cable locks.
Offenders are using bolt cutters that are capable of cutting through many types of cable lock. See those pictured.

Bike owners are advised to ALWAYS lock their bikes up, whenever left unattended, even if this is in your shed at home. It is advisable to spend 10% of the value of your bike on a high quality lock. Ie. Spend £50 0n a lock for a £500 bike etc.

Steel 'D' locks seem the most secure type against being cut by bolt cutters.

Also, you can register your bike for FREE on Bike Register at  . Knowing your bike's frame number is important in helping us to get bikes back to their original owners.

Investigations continue and we will update with any progress. Until then, please take these steps detailed above to reduce the risk to your own bikes.