BTP boosts patrols on night-time services in new safety of women at night strategy

Passengers will see an increased police presence on trains and at stations at night as part of a dedicated operation aimed at keeping women safe on the railway network.

The force’s strategy is targeted at providing reassurance to women travelling at night, with highly visible and unpredictable patrols undertaking engagement and enforcement activity to combat crime or behaviour that makes women feel unsafe.

The surge of activity began earlier this month and will run across the festive period and into the new year across England, Scotland, and Wales.

It comes as BTP continue to tackle sexual offences and sexual harassment on the railway, encouraging passengers who experience or witness this behaviour, such as touching, leering, indecent exposure, and upskirting to report it by talking to our officers or texting 61016.

BTP Assistant Chief Constable Allan Gregory said: “Everyone has the right to feel safe when travelling on the network and we are especially dedicated to making sure this is the case for women at night.

“The aim of the increased police presence on trains and at stations is to deter sexual offenders and provide reassurance to anyone travelling on night-time services.

“I urge anyone who feels unsafe or wants to report an incident to approach our officers. We are here for you. Nothing is too small or too trivial and we will always take you seriously.”