Business Owners Cautioned as Southport Burglaries Resemble Previous Crime Spate


Police are investigating an emerging pattern of business burglaries that have taken place to small businesses in and around Southport town centre. The burglaries have all taken place overnight and bear similarities to burglaries that took place 2/3 years ago in the Southport area.

Offenders are targeting the tills in these shops and mainly taking change left in the tills. Thefts from vehicles in the same areas may also be connected with the burglaries.

Investigations continue into all these incidents. Business owners are advised to make sure that tills are emptied at night and that CCTV systems are up to date with accurate time/date. Likewise, vehicle owners are advised to ensure that ALL items of value are removed from your vehicle when parking up, especially, once parked up for the night.

Officers based at Southport Police Station patrol the Southport area 24hours a day, 365 days a year and are briefed on this current spate of burglaries.