Call for Moore Clarity on Fracking

john dodd

Meols Ward councillor, John Dodd, has criticised Southport Conservative MP Damien Moore for playing “fast and loose”  with a the local environment after he opposed a motion to ban fracking, moved in the Commons on Wednesday. 

“I cannot be alone in being confused by Mr Moore’s stance,” states Cllr Dodd, “as he stood in 2019 on clear promise to maintain the ban and praised those who raised concerns saying
they are 'people who are fearful that their communities will become industrial’ .”

Since Mr Moore made those remarks the official report on seismic incidents at Preston New Road (Blackpool) showed quakes registered 2.9 on the Richter scale and could have been 4.5.

 The Liberal Democrat councillor added,  “ It’s of course not our Preston New Road but these events were only 10km across the Ribble estuary from us and if repeated or increased will have local impacts.
 According to the official report impacts will be widely felt with 'widespread building damage’. 

Mr Moore may well feel that fracking is a risk worth taking but this like his voting on the dumping of raw sewage raises legitimate concerns. He stated back in 2017 that he hoped to have a tidal lagoon in his constituency generating alternative energy, but we have heard nothing more on that and a seeming reversal of the Conservative manifesto stance on fracking.

We really do need some straight talking and explanations here.”