Catalytic converter thefts on the increase in Southport warn Police


There have been five thefts of catalytic converters from cars parked on driveways in Southport and Formby over the last month. Most of the vehicles targeted were Honda Jazz cars, but any hybrid car could be a target.
See the attached leaflet about what catalytic converter crime looks like and how and when to report it.

Recent thefts however, have been overnight, and from private driveways. So if you own a car which may be a target for catalytic converter theft, the following steps may reduce the risk to your vehicle.

1) 'Cat locks' can be purchased to secure the catalytic converter on your vehicle. This is especially recommended to vehicle owners who have had their catalytic converters stolen previously, to reduce the risk of becoming a repeat victim of this type of crime.

2) If you have CCTV or a door bell camera, consider reversing your car onto your driveway, so that the back of your car is covered by the CCTV/camera.

3) If you have gates, consider locking them with a sturdy chain to make life more difficult for thieves.
If you see people acting suspiciously around vehicles at any time you can report them on 101or 999.