Chances to ‘have your say’ in Southport and Sefton

Sefton Council’s commitment to delivering high-quality services to residents, workers or visitors to Sefton means we regularly consult our communities when making decisions about our services.

We engaging our communities when making changes to the delivery of existing services and inform them of the changes that take place as a result of them giving their views.

You can find out more about Sefton Council’s commitment to consultation here.

By doing this the Council aims to: 

  • support our communities to get involved in the public services they receive;
  • know and work with our communities and understand their needs;
  • hear from those who may experience discrimination or who are vulnerable; 
  • make sure we involve our communities in identifying issues that are important to them; 
  • ask our communities whether or not we have achieved the things that are important to them;
  • work with other partners when we want to speak with or listen to our communities.

At the moment there are three public consultations that people and organisations can use to have their say.

These are:

  • The draft Sefton Economic Strategy (closes Wednesday 17th August)
  • The Sefton Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment Survey (closes Sunday 11th September)
  • Climate Change Engagement Consultation (closes Friday 30th September)

You can find our  more about these consultations and have your say here.