Christmas road safety campaign launches across Lancashire

Our annual drink and drug-driving campaign has launched as we remind everybody to stay safe, look after each other and #MakeItHomeForChristmas.

We will be out and about over the coming month targeting those who get behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Officers will be stopping drivers at checkpoints and conducting roadside breath and drug tests, as well as targeting people where intelligence suggests they may be driving under the influence.

We know everybody will want to indulge in some festive cheer – especially after missing out on many of the usual celebrations last year – but we want to make it clear we will not tolerate anybody putting lives in danger.

Anybody found to be over the limit a will face the full force of the law.

Ch Insp Pat Worden of the Lancashire Police TacOps team, said: “We know that the majority of drivers follow the law and that it is only a small minority who choose to drink or drug-drive.

“However to those people we say this: driving while under the influence is both selfish and utterly reckless and the legal limit is there for a reason. No matter how well you believe you can drive under the influence, you are putting yourself and others in danger of serious harm or death and it is never, ever worth it.

“Likewise, if you know anyone that does drunk or drug drive, then please pass the information to us and we will act on it. You may save a life or prevent someone being seriously injured.

“Over the next month we will be out and about on the roads and will be stopping motorists at checkpoints right across the county doing alcohol and drug screening tests. We will not hesitate to prosecute anybody who is found to be over the legal limit for alcohol or drugs.

“We know people will want to enjoy a drink over Christmas but we want to make it clear we will be taking a zero tolerance approach to drink or drug-driving. Please take a moment to consider the consequences of getting behind the wheel while under the influence, not least that you could kill or seriously injure yourself or someone else.

“The message is a simple one: say no to drink and drug-driving so we can all make it home safely for Christmas this year.”

Andrew Snowden, Lancashire's Police and Crime Commissioner said: "If you put yourself and others at risk by driving under the influence of drink or drugs, officers will be out across Lancashire looking for you and determined to get you off our roads.

"Alongside the unacceptable danger to your life and others, you are also risking losing your driving license, potentially your livelihood, having to go to court and potentially spending time behind bars.

“I am committed to getting tough on criminals and keeping people safe as I lead the fight against crime.”

Drivers risk up to six months’ imprisonment, an unlimited fine and a substantial driving ban if they are caught driving while above the legal limit. Anyone who causes a death while drink or drug driving faces up to 14 years’ imprisonment.

More information on road safety can be found at

If you do suspect somebody is drink or drug-driving please tell us on 101 or contact us online at Alternatively you can tell Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or at

#DontDrinkOrDrugDrive #MakeItHomeForChristmas #LancashirePolice