Cllr calls for more transparent system after failure of children's social services

mike prendergast

Following the publication of the Childrens’ Commissioner’s report on the failures at Children’s Social Services in Sefton, Conservative Group Leader, Mike Prendergast, has called on the council to commit to a more open and transparent system.

Councillor Prendergast said, “I welcome the report by Mr Moffatt and have no doubt that all of his recommendations will be taken on board. Whilst it is incredibly disappointing to get to this position, I am hopeful that things can be turned round for the benefit of children in Sefton. 

I do recognise that changes have been made and are continuing with staff working hard to bring this about, having visited the department to see for myself the work being done. I think there is a genuine willingness to change and improve.

However, we cannot be complacent and we must continue to hold those in charge to account. 

The change in culture required to bring about improvement is significant and I would once again urge the Labour administration to review the structure of the relevant Overview & Scrutiny Committee and release the minutes of Improvement Board meetings. We need more openness and more accountability.

The lack of adequate political oversight is at least in part why we have ended up in this situation.”