Cllr Greg Myers puts family before politics


To all the dads out there - I wish you all a very happy Father's Day.

This also seems an appropriate day to make the following clear for those interested, as it seems there's a number for a variety of reasons, and also after reports in the likes of the Liverpool Echo highlighting me last week re. the Southport Labour Parliamentary Candidate process that opened a few days ago.

Since 2019, my position has been that I felt that Liz Savage our previous candidate absolutely deserved another chance after successive record votes here and helping put us on the brink of success and the Lib Dems firmly into third place. She had my full support and help if she wished to stand for selection again.
Having been central to our great campaigns in '17 and '19 and managing Liz's re-selection in between, there was simply no way I would put personal ambition before being a friend and colleague by standing myself.

Others liked to speculate otherwise but my position was unequivocal, if they had cared to ask me directly they might have understood that.

More recently, a year or so ago Liz told me that she was looking to take a great job with the Labour Party and so would be unlikely to stand again. She encouraged me to stand for selection myself.
Instead of thinking about that, I spent the next 8 months or so trying to persuade her to change her mind - nearly got there but in the end, sadly I couldn't. I am delighted for her though that she's clearly very happy in her new role.

Others have also encouraged me to stand, and I thank Liz and all those people in our town, both inside the Labour Party and out, plus my partner, friends and family members for their kind words and belief in me.
It is very humbling and it would truly be an honour to be the Labour candidate for this town.

I firmly believe that our next candidate will be Southport's first-ever Labour MP - it will be a fantastic opportunity to serve our community, giving our town and residents the support, hard work and dedication they truly deserve.

However, as much as I would love to have that platform to help others, something else truly has my heart.
I was blessed by becoming a first-time father at 53 and my lad will be four in a few months. I'm acutely aware though that as an older father, I will likely have a much shorter time with him than most dads do with their children.

I will not miss precious moments with my son by being away in London constantly, or when back here not able to give him the time he completely deserves and which I would only later regret.
It's important to keep perspective - which politics on occasion, and selection processes in particular, can make some lose all too easily.

It's not a mistake I intend to make.
Have a happy Father's Day, I know I will... and hopefully, many more to come