Cllr Mike Prendergast. It is good news that Sefton Council have finally seen sense

It is good news that Sefton Council have finally seen sense and decided to pause the cycle lane proposals for our town.

For the thousands of people who took part in the consultation it is vindication that their views do matter, despite being labelled as being of a ‘certain profile’ by Labour. We now need confirmation from Sefton Council that they will not simply repackage the proposals and look to push ahead with them.

The ‘temporary lanes’ in and around the town centre now also need to be removed. They have resulted in a large swathe of town centre parking being removed at a time when our town centre economy is looking to recover from the pandemic. 

Conservatives in Southport have consistently opposed the scheme, unlike Labour who proposed and supported it and the Lib Dems who still seem to be sat on the fence. We will continue to support residents and local businesses.

Cllr Mike Prendergast

Dukes Ward Councillor