Cllr Tony Brough Criticises Local Lib Dems in Southport

Councillor Tony Brough the Leader of the Sefton Conservative Group and a Councillor for Ainsdale has expressed his great concern over the decision made by the Liberal Democrat Group to resign their seat on the Planning Committee to which they are entitled under the Council’s Constitution.

Councillor Brough said “I have been informed that the Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group, Councillor Dr John Pugh, has resigned his seat from Planning and is not able to find any Liberal Democratic Councillor who is prepared to take his place.”

Most people would agree that Planning is one of the key issues for many people in our area and for the Liberal Democrats to simply walk away and not take their full part is without precedent and is quite frankly astonishing in view of the claims they constantly make about community involvement to simply walk away in this manner can give the public no confidence that as a Party they will be able to fully participate in such a critical area is something that defies logic.

I have been informed that the Labour Party will now replace them, although under the Constitution they have no electoral mandate to do so.

I simply cannot understand why they are behaving in this manner and I think the public will at the very least be puzzled by their actions in this area.

Our residents are entitled to a full explanation and how the Liberal Democrats can expect to receive public support in elections when they take the course of action they have done is at the very least questionable