Community Police surgeries coming to Birkdale Village in Southport.

Next Tuesday sees what we hope will be the start of a regular series of Community Police surgeries in Birkdale Village.

On Tuesday the 2nd August between 5:00pm and 7:00pm, residents local to Birkdale Village and business owners in the village, will have the opportunity to meet their 'Birkdale Bobby' in the flesh and discuss any issues that they would like to raise.

The drop in surgery will be held at the Birkdale Community Hub and Library, located in the Station Master's House at Birkdale Railway Station. (Pictured)

We hope that this will then be repeated at three week intervals.

So come and join us for a cuppa and a chat. The budget may even run to a biscuit, but arrive early or Constable Jackson will have eaten them all!