Concerns for Safety of Missing Teenager with Links to Southport

Please share and help us urgently find missing teenager Ellie Gargan.
Ellie, 17, was last seen in the Stevenage area of Hertfordshire in the early hours of this morning (Sunday 8 December) but is believed to be in Merseyside.
Ellie is white and of slim build. She has black hair with brownish highlights and her hair tied in a bun. Ellie also has long pink nails.
When last seen, she was wearing white leggings with the characters Angel and Stitch on, a caramel brown furry coat with a white t-shirt underneath. She was also wearing black furry slippers and was wearing a small pink bag over the shoulder.
Ellie has links to Toxteth, Liverpool city centre, Kirkby, St Helens, Southport, Huyton, Halewood and Widnes in Cheshire.
Please call 999 if you see Ellie so we can see her safe and well. Any sightings can also be reported via our form: Add something to a missing person report | Merseyside Police, 101 or @MerPolCC on X.