Cost of living factsheet available to print off on Sefton Council website

Gas energy

An easy-print factsheet detailing ways people worried about the national Cost of Living crisis can get support and advice is now on Sefton Council’s website.

Available to download from, it contains information about help with Council Tax, paying fuel bills and rent.

There is also information about food banks and food pantries, free school meals and Healthy Start Vouchers and Vitamins. And it includes sections on Sefton Council’s Emergency Limited Assistance Scheme, jobs and training, and health and wellbeing.

Where possible, the fact sheet contains phone numbers as well as website addresses for the various services. And it includes a reminder to people who do not have access to a smartphone, PC or an Internet connection, that there is free computer and Wi-Fi access at all Sefton Council Libraries. They just need to visit their local branch to find out more.

People can also call the Council’s Contact Centre on 0345 140 0845 or visit one of its two One Stop Shops, in Bootle or Southport, for more information.

Cllr Trish Hardy, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing, who recently described herself as ‘shocked and heartbroken’ by the need for Cost of Living report to the Council’s Cabinet meeting last week, said:
“Faced with the hugely worry questions about how they are going to pay rocketing gas and electricity bills and meet steeply rising prices in shops this winter, many households across Sefton will be wondering where they can find support and advice.

“We have put the information in one place on our website at but we have also produced this printable fact sheet.

“We have already distributed it to the network of volunteers who work tirelessly to support their communities across Sefton and to all councillors across the Borough.

“And we are asking anyone who knows relatives, friends, neighbours, or colleagues who might struggle to access information online to print a copy off for them.

“It might help to take a weight off their minds when they are worried about feeding their families or keeping them warm.”

At last week’s meeting, Cllr Hardy said Sefton Council was already working with partners to support local people in crisis.

She said:
“Next month’s Cabinet will be considering the Council’s Child Poverty Strategy which will be underpinned by a partnership Action Plan. 

“And we will do what we can to prevent organisations and businesses across our Borough crumbling under the weight of rocketing outgoings, which would further threaten local jobs and incomes. 

“We will also continue to work at the highest levels nationally to influence policies towards tackling poverty and highlight the harmful physical and mental health impacts that that poverty can have and how those young people’s long-term life chances are restricted as a result.”

Online information about support and advice can be found at