Council Leader reaffirms Borough’s support for Ukraine to mark anniversary of invasion.


As the world marks the first anniversary of Russia’s criminal invasion of Ukraine, Sefton Council Leader Cllr Ian Maher has reaffirmed the Borough’s support for “Ukrainians and Russians everywhere who oppose the war”.

Council Leader Cllr Ian Maher
Still shocked and dismayed 
In a statement Cllr Maher says: “A year ago, when Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine I said I was shocked and dismayed at his actions.

“Twelve months on I am still just as shocked and dismayed as I’m sure everyone across the world who cherishes democracy peace and freedom, will be.

“Sefton’s support remains firmly with Ukraine and its people, something which has been displayed by the kindness and generosity of local people.

“As well as extending the warmest welcome to those Ukrainian people now living and working in Sefton, I would like to thank all of those who have opened up their homes to people fleeing Vladimir Putin‘s murderous campaign.

“Also, I want to the organisations and individuals, including Sefton Council staff, who have worked so hard to welcome Ukrainians to our Borough, help them settle in safely and start to rebuild their lives albeit on what we all hope is a temporary basis.”

 Safe places to live 
Over the last eight months, more than 120 Sefton households have provided safe places to live through the national Homes for Ukraine scheme. Approaching 250 children and adults have come to the Borough through Scheme.

Recognising the impact that the national cost of living crisis was having on those households hosting Ukrainian guests, in December the Council agreed to pay them top-up payments through the winter. These ‘thank you’ payments start from £75 per month for households with one guest rising to £200 per month for those with six.

New jobs 
Cllr Maher continues: “The number of Ukrainian people staying with Sefton households has dropped as some of those guests have moved on to rented properties, started new jobs and in some cases, returned to their home country.

“However, as we continue to support the Homes for Ukraine scheme, we recognise there will be some arrangements that come to an end for other reasons, which is why we would encourage anyone living in Sefton who still wants to offer a home to Ukrainians but has not yet done so, to sign up for the scheme by visiting”

He adds: “I want to finish by extending our thoughts to people of all nationalities who are victims of Putin‘s war or who reluctantly find themselves fighting in it.”

To show solidarity with Ukraine and mark the one-year anniversary of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, Sefton Council will be lighting up Southport Town Hall and The Atkinson blue and yellow this weekend. The Ukrainian will also be flown at Bootle and Southport’s town halls.

Minute’s silence 
The Council will also be inviting its staff and people across the Borough to take part in the national minute’s silence at 11am on Friday 24 February to mark the anniversary.