Council reminding people where they can find advice & support ahead of Universal Credit cut.

With the Government going ahead with £20 per week cut in Universal Credit payment this week, Sefton Council is reminding people where they can find advice and support.
A high proportion of households across Sefton, including many working families, rely on Universal Credit and this number has increased as a result of the pandemic and the effect it has had locally on jobs.
Cllr Trish Hardy, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Communities and Housing said: “Despite widespread calls for the Government not to make this cut that will affect the poorest families still trying to recover from the effects of the COVID pandemic, it is going ahead and those families face losing £1,040 per year as a result.
It will see many Sefton households and working families facing some difficult financial conditions.
“This cut combined with increasing household fuel bills and other rising prices could be disastrous for some, including those in rented accommodation, and the Council is urging them to contact us for advice and support.
“People facing housing difficulties that could put their home at risk, who have received an eviction notice or have rent arrears should get in touch with our Homeless Prevention Service at [email protected] or by calling 0151 934 3541.
“The Homeless Prevention team work with tenants to help them maintain their tenancy or with moving on to more affordable and suitable accommodation, and they can also assist landlords that are facing issues such as rent arrears and late or inconsistent rent payments.
“Landlords who have concerns about vulnerable tenants can also contact the team for support in resolving the situation.”
Free school meals
Cllr Hardy said that during the COIVID-19 pandemic Sefton Council has given out over 4,800 payments for emergency help and made over 2,700 Discretionary Housing Payments to help people struggling with rents and bills. She also said that more Sefton families have fallen into the absolute or relative low-income category during the pandemic and that the Council has seen a rise in eligibility for free school meals.
She continued: “Sefton’s high proportion of jobs that fall into the lower paid bracket means the despite the £20 Universal Credit uplift, many working families have found themselves facing poverty.
“Our website contains information for people on Universal Credit, benefits and a range of related topics including help with rent and Council Tax and the Borough’s Foodbank Network at”.
The Government is ending the Coronavirus Uplift Universal Credit and Working Tax Credit on Wednesday 6th October. All Universal Credit claimants will be affected apart from those affected by the Benefit Cap who did not benefit from the uplift.
This means that from Wednesday, standard Universal Credit allowances return to
- £257.33 – single claimant under 25
- £324.84 – single claimant age 25+
- £403.93 – couple both under 25
- £509.91 – couple one or both age 25+
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