Council tell nuisance drivers on Chapel Street that 'enough is enough'


Motorists who are trying to turn a pedestrianised shopping area into their own personal car park are set to be fined.

Complaints have recently been raised to both Sefton Council and Merseyside Police over motorists driving through the pedestrianised area of Chapel Street in Southport to park their cars.

As well as causing an inconvenience for pedestrians, the illegally parked cars also restrict businesses from loading and unloading goods in the area.

Additional signage will shortly be erected on the area around Chapel Street, Tulketh Street and Corporation Street to warn motorists that they will receive Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs) if they continue to try their luck.

“These nuisance drivers are not only causing a headache for our shoppers and businesses but they are driving in a pedestrianised area and could cause an accident with their reckless behaviour,” said Cllr Paulette Lappin, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Regulation and Compliance.

“There is no good reason why they should be doing this and it is clear they are trying to avoid paying for parking while the rest of us obey the rules and regulations.

“Enough is enough and we are cracking down on these nuisance drivers who think they can make anywhere their own personal car park.

“Unlike them however we are being extremely fair and giving them enough warning to get in gear and find alternative legal parking arrangements before we begin issuing Penalty Charge Notices.

“Southport Town Centre has plenty of parking facilities which are all perfectly affordable. For people to think they are above the rules they will soon be paying far more than the cost of a parking ticket.”

Sefton Council will soon be enforcing existing Traffic Regulation Orders and additional signage will be installed in the coming weeks to assist with this.  

For more information on how to find a car park in Sefton please visit