Council to use money from aborted cycle lanes to improve accident black spots after cyclist killed

Cllr John Pugh has welcomed the decision by Sefton Council to use some of the government money no longer needed for aborted cycle lane plans on improving danger spots.(1)

Sefton officers are currently in discussions with the Department of Transport to re-use money it gets from the government to promote cycling (Active Travel Funding)  to make changes to the North End Lane junction on the Formby by pass where an elderly cyclist was killed last week.

This was confirmed at the meeting of the Southport Operational Group last week.

“It is sadly after the event, but no-one can doubt the need or that it would be good use of money. Starting with known risks and clear dangers to pedestrians,cyclists and users of public transport is the way forward and not going to upset anyone.

Spending money on road safety may not be a big exciting initiative, but potentially makes a huge difference to lives though preventing tragedy and making us all feel safer."

(1) the funding is government Active Travel funding