Council urging people to support Small Business tomorrow in Southport and Sefton

As the end of what has been another difficult year for local shops and businesses approaches, Sefton Council urging people to support Small Business tomorrow (Saturday 4th December).

Cllr Marion Atkinson, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Skills, said:

“Sefton is lucky to have a range of one-off and specialist shops and businesses, many of which will have been hit by the effects of the pandemic.

“I would urge people across the Borough and beyond thinking about doing some Christmas shopping this weekend to try and make those purchases locally.

“Especially as this weekend it’s Small Business Saturday, which celebrates small business success and encourages people to 'shop local'.

This year shops and businesses are being encouraged to sign up free to the online Small Business Finder designed to help customers locate them. They can add their location and details by registering via

Shoppers can then visit and use the Small Business Finder to search their area or to look for specific types of shop.

Cllr Atkinson continued
“The Small Business Finder is a great tool to help people find local shops and services they may not necessarily be aware existed so I hope businesses across Sefton will sign up for it and Sefton shoppers will use to check out what’s in their area.”

Although Sefton Council is keen for people to go out and support local businesses, it is also reminding people that they need to wear face coverings and masks in shops and on public transport. This in line with the Government regulations introduced this week to help prevent spread of the Omicron COVID-19 variant.

Cllr Atkinson added:
“Wearing a face masks in indoor public spaces such as shops and public transport, is now required and is what we have been advising people to do all along.

“For most of us putting on a mask takes no effort at all and a global study has shown that face coverings provide us and those around us with the best non-clinical protection available.

“However, there are people who are unable to wear a face covering, maybe because of a physical or mental illness or impairment, or disability, and we need to be respectful of these people too.”

Cllr Atkinson also urged that before going out shopping or celebrating, people carry out and LFD test using one of the free kits available from pharmacies and other locations.