Damien Moore MP call on Chancellor to lower business rates and support Southport’s businesses.


This week, Damien Moore, MP for Southport, met with the Rt. Hon. Jeremy Hunt MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer, to deliver his letter encouraging the Chancellor to cut business rates for Southport’s businesses ahead of the Budget.

Mr. Moore's letter noted his support for the Government's 'Supporting Small Businesses' scheme, but argued that business rates remain too high. His letter continued that business rates fall unfairly on Southport’s bricks-and-mortar businesses, and argued that cuts to business rates are needed to ensure the survival of Southport’s high streets and local economy, something very important to his town’s community.

As Mr. Moore argued to the Chancellor, Southport’s great number of small businesses have a lot to be gained from business rates being cut, as does the local community. His letter continued that at this time of economic instability, caused by global inflationary pressures and Putin’s illegal war in Ukraine, now is the time to encourage businesses, especially small, local businesses, to stimulate our economy.

Mr. Moore’s letter is now with the Chancellor to review. The Chancellor will outline his Budget to the nation after Prime Minister’s Questions next Wednesday in Parliament.

Damien Moore, Member of Parliament for Southport, said: 

“I have always stood up for Southport’s businesses, and stood on a manifesto to protect our town’s vital local economy. This is why I have written to the Chancellor to urge him to cut business rates and give our town’s vibrant local economy the helping hand it needs in next week’s Budget.

“I want to see all the entrepreneurial citizens of Southport taking advantage of places like our heritage Wayfarers' Arcade, or our Champs-Élysées -inspiring Lord Street to fill it with profitable, local shops.

“A cut in business rates is exactly the sort of helping hand we should be giving hard-working local people, and I am proud to stand up for such wonderful local businesses, present and future.” 

