Damien Moore MP speaks about Southport Rescue in Parliament-Video

On Monday, I spoke about the fantastic work of Southport Lifeboat and the “Make a Change for Ben” campaign in Parliament.

Kath Wilson and David Rawsthorne deserve high praise for all they have done to improve the safety of Southport's coast and the Botanic Gardens. I am immensely proud of their work, as it ensures that Southport’s bodies of water are now safer than ever. 

It is great to see Southport Offshore Rescue Trust (Southport Lifeboat) officially open its new station, which I look forward to visiting soon.

However, more can always be done. We need to make large bodies of water, such as Southport’s seas and lakes, as safe as possible. Across the country, far too many lives are lost that could otherwise be saved through measures as simple as increasing the availability of throwlines near bodies of water, and so I was proud to speak in support during this debate.

In my speech, I called on the Government to do all it can to support such water safety measures. It is senseless that in a modern and leading 21-century country such as the United Kingdom, these are not already widely available, and I will continue to push for any efforts that can be made to protect my constituents’ lives when around open water.

The text of my full speech can be found at the following link:
