Dead and dying Swans on the Marine Lake update. At least 7 dead and 2 Geese

dead swan

After our article yesterday regarding the dead and dying Swans on the Marine Lake, eyeonsouthport received an email from an exasperated member of the public.

The Fire Service have been down to the lake and helped a few Swans.

Email received.

Re your article on the dead swan – my wife and I walked around the lake today and counted SEVEN dead swans and two dead Canada geese which had become trapped in the ice and frozen to death.

There was also one trapped but still alive, so we tried to contact the RSPCA, RSPB but were met with answering machines and no response. A fellow pedestrian flagged down a police van who said “Not our job mate” so he set off to the fire station but the outcome was unknown as we didn’t see him or the fire brigade again. We proceeded to the yacht clubs and scout building in the hope that we could borrow a boat but all were firmly locked up and deserted.

We finally met a council worker who was the first one to show any interest and promised to ring his boss and advise him of the situation.

As we were on a day trip from Standish, we finally left exasperated and do not know the outcome of ours or the fellow passer-by’s attempts to summon assistance. My opinion of the RSPB and RSPCA has changed somewhat.