Dukes Conservative Candidate, Laura Nuttall, calls for urgent road repairs.

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Conservative candidate in Dukes Ward for May’s local elections, Laura Nuttall, is calling on Sefton Council to make urgent repairs to roads across Dukes Ward, including Sandringham Road, Grosvenor Road and Hall Street

At the recent Council budget meeting, it was announced that there will be a 15% reduction in the funds available to maintain highways across Sefton. However, central government have recently announced £26.6 million pound in extra funding to fix potholes across the North West, equivalent to around 530,000 potholes being repaired.

Laura said “Over the last few weeks, I have spoken to many residents across Dukes Ward and the general state of our roads is a major issue for local residents.

I’m calling on Sefton Council to keep our roads properly maintained. Sandringham Road and Grosvenor Road (from Waterloo Road to Westbourne Road), for example, are in poor states of repair. The same is true of other parts of Dukes Ward, Hall Street for example has a number of large potholes there too. It isn’t good enough.

Our town pays around £60 million per year in  Council Tax, yet Sefton Labour don’t seem to be able to maintain our roads. After raising our Council Tax by nearly 5% to pay for their costly mistakes, they are now proposing to cut our road maintenance budget.

I hope they reconsider and make our infrastructure a priority to help support our local residents and businesses. I will be campaigning to have our roads fixed.”