Enjoy Cream Tea And Meet Cuddly Creatures At Woodlands Tea & Tours


Woodlands – Enjoy a cream tea & meet our new arrivals

Are you looking for something to do with your partner?  Want to arrange that long overdue meet up with friends?  Well look no further than Woodlands Animal Sanctuary’s Tea & Tours.  The perfect excuse to get together with your nearest and dearest to spend some time together, meeting some very cute animals, eating some delicious refreshments and raising money for a worthwhile local cause at the same time.

Woodlands offer two opportunities per month to experience their Tea and Tours and you can choose from a Friday or Saturday and it’s 2-3:30pm.  Places are limited, so to secure your preferred date get your tickets booked sooner rather than later.  Prices are £12 per adult and £7 per child.  Money raised from ticket sales goes back to the animals, to pay for their care, so that Woodlands can continue the worthwhile work they do all year round.

Woodlands has this week welcomed three more goats to their family, Golden Guernseys and they have been lovingly named Buzz, Woody and Andy.  So, if you would like to meet the new additions, as well as all the other animals they have, Tea & Tours is the perfect excuse for you.

Tickets available from their website:  https://www.woodlandsanimalsanctuary.org.uk/upcoming-events/



