EYE IN THE SKY - New CCTV Plans for Southport Town Centre


New moves are afoot to improve public safety through the use of state of the art CCTV in the town centre. Parts of the town centre are already covered by CCTV, but some equipment is now 25 years old and due for replacement.

According to Dukes Ward councillor, John Pugh, CCTV has a proven role and deterring or detecting crime. He cites the 2021 case where a youth was convicted of a stabbing in Scarisbrick Avenue through the use of current equipment.

Since then the police have recently received special funding for new cameras which will give 360º degree coverage of that specific area. It is an area that has also seen drug dealing.

Efforts are curently being made though to supplement the police investment with funds from the BID (Business Improvement District) and from discretionary funds available to town centre councillors. The objective to ensure wider coverage over the whole town centre..

“This is the sort of stuff that needs to be well co-ordinated to be truly effective”, says Cllr Pugh, “ It’s not just about stopping violence in the night time economy. Drug dealing, anti-social behaviour and theft can take place at any time and whenever we are on the streets those streets need to be safe. Better and newer CCTV cameras will give people that re-assurance.”

Cllr Pugh though urged residents in the town centre to get involved in the debate over the siting of any new cameras. 

“It is often forgotten how many people live in what we call the Southport town centre- some alongside the pubs and clubs. We hope that as shops are repurposed more will come to live in town. Residents are exactly the people who see what goes one - they are the real eyes of the community - and should have an input into the siting of cameras”.