Farsley Celtic condemn homophobic and racist abuse at Southport game

The club would like to issue the following statement.

It has been brought to the club's attention that there has been an allegation made regarding the actions of a small minority of supporters at Southport yesterday.

The referee was informed of allegations of homophobic and racist language, and Farsley Celtic fully condemns this.

The use of such language is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. We are a family club, and this type of behaviour has no place at Farsley, or anywhere in society.

We are currently investigating the allegations and attempting to identify the individuals involved. We will take the strongest possible action against those found responsible.

The club is aware that it is only a small number who conduct themselves in this way, and not the majority of our supporters. Those who do conduct themselves in this way are not welcome at our football club.

Joshua Greaves
Chief Executive

Club Captain Dave Syers would like to add the following:

“With a tough day on the pitch yesterday, the last thing I expected when called across by the referee was to be informed of accusations of racist and homophobic abuse coming from a section of our supporters.

“This is something that we as players, staff and true supporters of the club find abhorrent and there is no place for it in our society, never mind in our football club.

“One of the main reasons I love playing for Farsley is that even though we compete at a level well above our size, we don’t lose sight of the fact we are a small volunteer-run club and the family atmosphere reflects this.

“I hope any investigation finds the people responsible and they are punished to the full extent.

“I want to thank the majority of our supporters who made the trip to Southport and backed us throughout the game, and after speaking with you following the match I know we all stand together on this issue.”