Financial Planning Corporation named as Southport’s 2022 Constituency Responsible Business Champion

Ainsdale’s Financial Planning Corporation has been named as Southport’s Constituency Responsible Business Champion for 2022, following a nomination by the town’s MP Damien Moore.

This year, Mr. Moore nominated Financial Planning Corporation in Ainsdale for the work they’ve done for the community through their “FPC Foundation”.

Mr. Moore welcomed Financial Planning Corporation to a ceremony in Parliament where they were formally presented with their award by the Minister for Business, Energy, and Corporate Responsibility, Lord Callanan.

The awards are run by the All-Party Parliamentary Corporate Responsibility Group (APCRG), who ask MPs to nominate an outstanding business from their constituency who they believe has had a positive impact and deserves to be recognised.

Damien Moore, MP for Southport, said:

“I visited the Financial Planning Corporation’s office in Ainsdale village last December to meet the team and learn more about the work they do.

“I was thoroughly impressed by the FPC Foundation in particular, through which the business provides grants to community groups across Southport and the surrounding areas. I know how much this support will mean to those who receive it, which is why I decided to nominate them to be Southport’s Responsible Business Champion for 2022.

“I was delighted to welcome Moira, Financial Planning Corporation’s Managing Partner, to Parliament to celebrate the award with the APCRG, and showcase the truly outstanding work they have been doing in our town.”

Moira O’Shaughnessy, Managing Partner of Financial Planning Corporation (FPC), said:

“As a business, we feel it is important to share our success with our community. That’s why we set up the FPC Foundation, through which we provide financial support to a diverse range of deserving organisations and community groups.

“We are very pleased to have been nominated by Damien, and to have our work highlighted in Parliament. I would like to thank the entire team at FPC for their hard work, without which this simply wouldn’t be possible.

“I know that we are all looking forward to further supporting our community over the coming months and years.”

Jonathan Djanogly MP, APCRG Co-Chair, said:

“I would like to thank Damien Moore MP for nominating Financial Planning Corporation, so that we could celebrate the great work of the company at our reception.

“We were very impressed by the work they are doing in Southport, and would encourage them to continue their efforts. They are a great example for other companies to emulate and we are delighted to name them Constituency Champion for Southport 2022.”