Former Southport MP and Local Councillor Ronnie Fearn has sadly died

Former Southport MP Lord Ronnie Fearn has sadly died aged 90.

Ex MP John Pugh said..

Ronnie was a one-off, a true phenomenon.Although he will long be remembered for his political career, in no sense was he a typical politician but a man who loved and was interested in people- their common concerns and individual differences.I have met very few politicians with more instinct for what bothers and what pleases ordinary folk,young and old.

Linked into his community in so many ways it was hard to find a street in Southport where no-one claimed to know him personally. He was truly a mould-breaking politician being the only Lib Dems gain in the 1987 General Election. Despite that and latter success and responsibilities, he continued delighting everyone by performing and producing the legendary All Souls pantomines- never losing his sense of proportion amidst the absurdities of Westminster.

He remained on the local Council throughout his political life and we wouldn’t have a Pier today without him. He richly deserves the epithet 'Mr Southport’.However, the key thing that many who knew him will recall most about Ronnie is not his obvious success or achievements but his kindness and awareness. He was enormously supportive of those who worked with or for him -the team- and the first person at any event to remember and thank the staff, the workers, the people others sometimes took for granted. That feeling for and appreciation of the lot of others made Ronnie Fearn special.

It’s not a cliche to say our thoughts and prayers go out to Ronnie, Joyce and the family.

Cllr Maher, Leader of Sefton Council:

“I was saddened to hear of Lord Fearn’s passing.

“Ronnie worked tirelessly on behalf of his constituents both as a longstanding Sefton councillor and as an MP.

“He was also a formidable political opponent and I would like to pay tribute to him on behalf of Sefton Council and extend our thoughts and sympathies to his family.”

Current Southport MP Damien Moore said: “I am saddened to hear of the passing of Ronnie Fearn, Southport’s former Member of Parliament.

“Ronnie served Southport well, from his time as MP right through to his almost two decades in the House of Lords.

“His passion for celebrating our town is something that is widely recognised.

“My thoughts are with Ronnie’s family at this difficult time.”