From 30 January 2023, E-scooters will be banned on all Merseyrail trains and stations.


The ban on e-scooters has been introduced because of the specific fire hazard that these vehicles represent due to the volatile nature of the batteries that they use.

This ban does not affect mobility scooters, or electric mobility aids. These vehicles are regulated and are not considered a fire risk on Merseyrail. You can find out more about Merseyrail’s policy on mobility vehicles and aids here.

E-bikes are also regulated to higher standards, so the ban does not affect them either.

The ban on e-scooters is being introduced on all railways across the UK, and Merseyrail is in step with other train companies on this matter.

Anybody entering Merseyrail stations or trains with an e-scooter will be asked to remove their vehicle from the network.

Merseyrail will not allow the storage of e-scooters anywhere on the network.

Our FAQs about the e-scooter ban can be found here.