Future of Respite Provision in Jeopardy after Sandpipers Shutdown

Following the closure of Sandpipers (Revitalise) concerns are mounting about our ability locally to provide respite and recuperation particularly for those afflicted with spinal injuries.Revitalise was contracted with Sefton and the NW Regional Spinal Unit to provide the kind of specialist support that is often needed in the case of spinal injuries. Other arrangements now need to be put in place. Liberal Democrats are questioning whether Sefton Council can stand aloof and simply let another much-needed facility disappear.
“What is not necessarily appreciated,” says Lib Dem leader, John Pugh, “ is how interdependent the NHS , the Council and the charity sector are. The closure of Sandpipers has clear knock-on consequences. Southport is a key location in the North West for the delivery of specialist services to patients who have spinal injuries. We not only have the regional Spinal Unit in Southport hospital but also the excellent Spinal Injuries Action Group sited on Weld Rd.
Sandpipers fitted into the local system of provision providing tailor-made services and discharge facilities when people left NHS care and needed adult care support. That has gone, along with the excellent respite care that was provided to other disabled people and their families.”
“It is obvious that Sandpipers will be sorely missed,” claims Cambridge councillor, Mike Sammon , “ it is less obvious what a big problem this will be for the local council and the NHS. If the Council cannot or will not step in, it needs to be thinking hard about future respite provision. We all need to be planning how we plug the gap.”