Give paws for thought when letting off fireworks urge Sefton Council

Fireworks in the sky in Southport

As Bonfire Night approaches, Sefton Council is encouraging residents to be considerate to vulnerable members of the community and our four legged friends.
Many vulnerable residents and animals find fireworks frightening. Research from the RSPCA shows that an estimated that 45 per cent of dogs in the UK exhibit signs of fear when they hear them.
In 2021 the Council wrote to the Government calling for legislation which would limit the maximum noise level of fireworks to 90dB for those sold to the public for private displays. It also voted in favour of encouraging suppliers of fireworks within the Borough to stock ‘quieter’ fireworks.
Cllr Paulette Lappin, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Regulation & Compliance, said: “While official firework displays can be an enchanting and wonderful thing for many of us, they can be distressing and scary for some members of our community and for pets.
“Organised displays, such as the incredibly popular British Musical Fireworks Championship in Southport, are advertised well in advance enabling people nearby to prepare. 
“By contrast, impromptu private displays do not provide that warning and can result in an evening of misery for some people.”
“Last year Sefton Council resolved to do as much as it can as an authority to limit the distress that fireworks may have."
According to a recent poll, more than 52% of UK Adults are expected or are planning to hold fireworks displays at home with friends and family, a 23% increase on 2019 polling results.
Cllr Lappin continued: “We want to residents to have fun and enjoy fireworks but to do so responsibly, which means being fully aware of and compassionate towards neighbours with pets and those in the community who are particularly sensitive to the noises and flashing lights caused by these types of displays.”