Graffiti vandals strike at derelict Southport Theatre And Convention Centre


Graffiti vandals have left their mark on the derelict Southport Theatre. Large parts of the building have been boarded up to stop vandals from getting inside. The theatre is due for demolition to make way for a Theatre and Event Centre in the near future.

The rear of the building facing the Marine Lake is becoming an eyesore with the graffiti and rubbish strewn all over the place.

A planning application for the project has been submitted and is expected by be considered by Planning Committee in Spring 2023.

Cllr Marion Atkinson, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Skills, said: “By awarding preferred status to Kier we are putting the physical creation of the venue into the hands of a proven contractor with a strong track record.

"The interest of the UK’s leading construction firms in the project, and the standing of the successful bidder, reaffirms the scale of ambition for the future of Southport that this transformational project demonstrates.

“The end goal is a fully flexible, scalable cultural space capable of staging concerts, stand-up comedy, family shows, musical theatre, conferences, exhibitions that is the envy of other towns and cities.

“Kier share in the ambitions of Sefton Council and the Southport Town Deal in making MLEC a soaring success.

“The MLEC, together with the Light Fantastic, is forecast to attract more than half a million additional visitors to Southport year on year and generating an annual £18 million for the local economy and I am delighted that Sefton Council is once again leading the way in exciting projects like this.
