Green Sefton staff awarded prestigious playground accreditation

kings gardens

Sefton Council staff have joined a prestigious register of people qualified to undertake inspections of play facilities.

The RPII (Register of Play Inspectors International) is the official body for examining, accrediting, and certificating inspectors of indoor, outdoor, and inflatable play, throughout the UK.

Reflecting the Council’s commitment to having the best qualified and trained safety staff, three Green Sefton staff members undertook the RPII training course late last year. They have now been officially accredited as RPII Operational Inspectors, joining only 4,000 others registered to this level worldwide.

The team will be applying the expert qualification to Sefton’s 99 play facility sites.

The Council has invested an additional £200,000 into maintaining children’s play facilities.

This funding will allow parks like South Park, one of the largest play facilities in Sefton, to receive investment and improvement works.In 2023, works will begin to install a new toddler play unit, an evoke swing and new springers. And existing equipment will also receive a fresh lick of paint.

Cllr Ian Moncur, Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing said: “To have three staff qualified with an internationally leading accreditation is a huge asset to our Borough’s parks and greenspaces. And it reflects the Council’s ongoing commitment to play areas for children.

“We have all felt the importance of our parks and play facilities over the last few years, and we are determined to deliver improvements that will benefit families and young people in Sefton.”


Jon Dalton, Managing Director of the Play Inspection Company said: “Norman, Chris and Paul are all RPII Qualified Operational Inspectors and have been certified competent to undertake both Routine and Operational inspections on playgrounds, multi-use games areas, skate parks and outdoor exercise equipment and therefore help to ensure that this equipment is kept adequately maintained and safe for public use in Sefton parks.”