Half term walks with Green Sefton along the Southport and Ainsdale coastline

If you are looking for something to do over the half-term break next week, why not join Green Sefton on a series of free guided walks along the coast?

Booking is essential as spaces are limited, and stout footwear and warm, waterproof clothing is essential too.

You may wish to bring binoculars or a camera if you have them.

Our first walk is on Tuesday 15.2.22, when we will set off from Ainsdale Discovery Centre (PR8 2QB) to assess the impact of our winter grazing livestock on the Local Nature Reserve.

Then on Thursday, 17.2.22, we will take a tour of Crosby Coastal Park meeting at the end of South Road at the pedestrian entrance to the coastal park.

Finally on Friday, 18.2.22, our walk will set off from the coast entrance at Weld Road, Birkdale, to look at how high tides influences the behaviour of wintering birds and other wildlife at Southport.

Each circular walk will last approximately three hours.

For more details, start times etc, or to book a place on one of these walks, please email [email protected]

Source Green Sefton