Happy, Heard, Healthy, Achieving: New Vision for Education Launched in Sefton

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Sefton Council, Sefton schools and partners from across the public and voluntary sector will gather tomorrow to launch Sefton’s Education Strategy. The strategy sets out the vision for educational services in Sefton over the next few years and lays out four key priorities for professionals to focus on.

The priorities will be:

Excellent teachers, supported by excellent staff
Raise achievement and ensure young people have the life skills to prepare for adulthood
All children and young people achieve their full potential
School systems to support children and their families
The launch will feature talks from Tricia Davies, Assistant Director Education and Ian Raikes, CEO of Southport Learning Trust as well as a talk on Education and Place’ by Stephen Watson, Executive Director of Place

School Improvement Groups will be given an opportunity to reflect on the strategy and consider how best to make it happen in their local school community.


Cllr Diane Roscoe, Cabinet Member for Education said:

“I am immensely proud of the work our school communities do every day for the children they teach and the families they support. This strategy is a vision for the future; it sets out what we want to achieve for our young people and reflects our aspirational ambitions for young people in Sefton, not just educationally but in terms of their health, wellbeing and preparedness for adult life.

“Tomorrow’s event will be a chance to bring everyone together, learn from each other and agree a way forward that puts children and young people at the heart of everything we do.”


You can read the Sefton Education Strategy here