Highways in Sefton earmarked for major investment

Journeys on the Liverpool City Region’s highways and transport network would become smoother and safer, under a new multi-million-pound investment package set to be discussed by local leaders. 

In a move to improve the region’s roads, the Combined Authority is seeking to approve the indicative allocation of £232.96m from the City Region Sustainable Transport Settlement (CRSTS), for a Highways Maintenance and Non-Maintenance package with Sefton earmarked to receive £41.11m to deliver local schemes.

Focussing on key corridors, the proposed package represents a co-ordinated series of measures all designed to support public transport services, relieve congestion, and improve air quality for local communities.

The measures include carriageway resurfacing to improve the condition of the roads, drainage works to help prevent flooding and new streetlights.

Bus users, cyclists and pedestrians would also benefit as plans include upgrades to bus shelters, improved footways and cycleways, plus new pedestrian crossing schemes.

The proposals form part of Mayor Rotheram’s plans for an integrated London-style transport network that makes the region’s network easier to use, cheaper, quicker, and more reliable.

Steve Rotheram, Mayor of the Liverpool City Region said:“Our region’s success is dependent on our people, and goods, being able to move quickly, safely, and efficiently. By investing in electric charging points and improved, future-proof infrastructure on the roads and transport network, we can ensure that our economy continues to accelerate forward as we rebuild from the pandemic.“Ultimately, my vision is to create a modern, London-style public transport network. Not only will it make a huge difference to the lives of our residents, making their journeys cheaper, faster, and more reliable, but it would provide people with a genuinely viable alternative to their car.“By choosing to travel on the bus or train, or even walking or cycling, we can significantly reduce traffic congestion on our roads – which will be vital for our region to hit our goal of being net zero carbon by 2040 at the latest.”

Subject to approval, Sefton Borough Council will be delivering the works with more information about the schemes to be published at a later date.

Cllr John Fairclough, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Locality Services, said:“Accessible, reliable and attractive public transport services will underpin Sefton’s economy as we emerge from the pandemic, so I welcome this investment to improve our roads network and transport infrastructure.“And as well as supporting economic growth, regeneration and the development of new housing, a transport network that is better for cyclists and pedestrians as well as public transport users will deliver health and educational benefits as well as helping Sefton Council achieve its commitment to combating climate change.”

By contributing to improved transport access across the city region, this package of measures would in turn support growth as the benefits extend beyond transport, improving access to key sites in the city region for education, housing, health, and productivity.

The Combined Authority is due to consider this proposal at its meeting on Friday 4 March.