HM Southport Coastguard called to mud rescue at Hightown


Tasked to assist HM Coastguard Crosby with a juvenile trapped thigh deep in mud at Hightown. Wirral Coastguard Rescue Team (Crosby’s flank team to the south) were also tasked.

As everyone met at the RV point, the casualty had already been located by the Crosby team, and the situation assessed. Two mud technicians were deployed and after some hard work, the casualty was extracted and brought out to the safety of solid ground. Members of the team carried out some primary casualty care, and then handed over to NWAS Paramedics for further examination and treatment.
This incident took around two hours to reach conclusion.

Mud rescue is a highly specialised skill that the Coastguard Rescue Teams are well trained in, and we urge anybody who may witness someone trapped to dial 999 and ask for the Coastguard straight away, and under no circumstances attempt to help. You may become trapped yourself. Reassure the trapped person that help is on the way, and tell them not to move, and spread their weight until help arrives.